First of all, you learn to speak a new language perfectly. Every day you need to communicae with eople anywhere: If you go to a restaurant, you'll have to ask the waitress for the food; at school or college, you will have to talk to make friends; even in your home, you will speak to people for anything else. Moreover, you can become a perfect pronunciation, due t communicating with native speakers. As an example, when I arrived in London, I wasn't able to speak much in English. But, in a month my speech improved a lot! There isn't better way to learn a language than living in a place where is talked.
From other view, you can make many good new activities to meet the costums and the culture of the place. You could go sighteeing, not only where you are living, also in the surroundings. In order to know the gastronomy, you can go out to lunch to the best restaurants of the city. You can also go shopping, especially to the shops which aren't found in your country. Definitively, a wild range of activities which you can learn many things.
Moreover, it is necessary having above money when you go out. Living abroad is usually more epenive than living in your own country. Apart from accomodation and food, if you are living in a large city, distances are very large and you will need to pay transport (metres, buses, trains) to move around the city. As advice, if you want to cover some expenses, you can seek a job, since is easier than in Spain to get it. In this way you will be able to pay a considerable part of the voyage.
All in all, travelling to other countries is an inredible experience where you will be able to learn many new things.

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