lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019


  • El aula invertida es un modelo pedagógico creado en el S XXI que consiste en trasladar la mayor parte del proceso de aprendizaje fuera del aula, con el fin de aprovechar el tiempo de clase para explotar al máximo este proceso, facilitando y potenciando otros procesos de adquisición y práctica.

Una de las características de este modelo es el empleo de los recursos que nos ofrece el S XXI, como es el uso de la tecnología para realizar las tareas fuera de clase, especialmente el formato de vídeo.

A su vez, este modelo corresponde con las fases: recordar, comprender y aplicar de la taxanomía de Bloom.

En cuanto al uso de herramientas para la exposición de contenidos por parte de los profesores, ellos tienen la posibilidad de seleccionar las herramientas que se alinien con los contenidos curriculares y pedagógicos del alumno y de crear sus propios contenidos con herramientas del S XXI (ejs: vídeos, aplicaciones).

Dentro de este modelo hay distintos niveles de interactividad entre alumno y profesor, pudiéndose intensificar por ejemplo: realizando preguntas dentro de los vídeos para que el alumno responda de forma instantánea, de forma que el profesor pueda acudir al aula con un planteamiento nuevo en función del rendimiento del alumno que le permita obtener su máximo rendimiento.

Durante la clase el profesor debe realizar una prueba para evaluar la efectividad del aprendizaje del alumnado, así como explicar y razonar y también de compartir entre los propios alumnos, los conocimientos y respuestas correctas.

Es importante tener en cuenta que este modelo emplea metodologías como el Just in time teaching y Peer instruction además de establecer conexiones con otros modelos.

En mi opinión, es importante desarrollar nuevos modelos pedagógicos para adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías y medios del S XXI, para aprovechar al máximo los recursos que tenemos a nuestro alcance. Así pues, considero necesario ofrecer una formación previa al profesorado para que se puedan aplicar estos modelos de forma efectiva, ya que de lo contrario, se podría dar lugar a un mal aprendizaje.

  • Dos profesores, Bergmann y Sams nos ofrecen en su vídeo algunos consejos y soluciones a los obstáculos con los que se suelen encontrar muchos profesores:

-Uno de los obstáculos es que quizá todos los alumnos no tienen acceso a internet en su casa. Algunas de las soluciones para que obtengan el material son el uso de pendrives, DvDs…

-Cómo eseñarles a ver un vídeo educativo: es importante que antes de ver un vídeo comprendan la manera para entender y reflexionar los conocimientos de una manera significativa

-La longitud de un vídeo, que en general debe ser de corta duración, es otro punto importante y depende de la edad de los alumnos. Cuanto más mayores, es recomendable que menor sea la duración.

-Otro problema es que los alumnos vayan a las clases sin saberse los contenidos. Esto se podría solucionar poniendo ejercicios en los materiales online para fomentar la interactividad del alumo con el profesor.

-En cuanto a la preocupación de la idea de la perfección en los vídeos, lo más importante es ser natural y espontáneo, haciendo del vídeo una clase en directo. Tampoco es necesaria una cámara profesional, sino que lo importante es utilizar los medios de los que dispongamos con la mayor efectividad posible (buena luz, voz alta y clara, etc)

  • En la imagen que podemos ver a continuación, encontramos un resumen del modelo flipped classroom, desde sus inicios a su repercusión hoy en día. Y observando los porcentajes de aprobados y suspensos con el proceso sin aplicar y aplicado, podemos observar una clara eficacia en la adquisición de conocimientos con un mayor número de aprobados tras la aplicación de este modelo.

Fuente de la imagen:

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015


I cannot still believe that my holidays start in two days. It seems that yesterday was the first time I got into classroom 2.2. This year I have lived so many experiences that time has passed too quickly. Although at the beginnings it was a dificult change, it has served for me to get to know new people, learning a lot of English and also enjoying the university life.

At first, it was hard to make new friends. I have always had my all life's friends and it was very fresh to be suddenly with so many unfamiliar people. Besides, I am not too outgoing and that enlarged the issue. But little by little I got to know some cassmates and we are now very good friends. The university careers become too dificult and you appreciate to have people who support to you.

Moreover, I have enjoyed the university life. Although the university studies are difficult, you don't have so pressure as in the school and can keep calm. Besides, the class timetamble is much more reduced than in the high school and some classes are not compulsory to go. The weekend becomes so longer if you do not have classes at fridays and so, you have more leisure time to study but also to go out with your friends to the parties.

Furthermore, I have learnt and improved my knowlegde of English. When I arrived at my new class, I looked out that the vast majority of my classmates had an advanced level of the language. However, I didn't know to talk or to write fluently English, I knew only what I had learnt in the high school. Sometimes I sank and thought that I would soon get behind. But with time and effort I have acquired an adequate level and have achieved all my aims.

In conclusion, this year at the university has been difficult to get used to, but it has ended up being an incredible elevating experience. Today I know that I can do everything that I set out.

martes, 20 de enero de 2015


I. Travelling abroad is a valuable learning experience.

II. Learning a new language.
     A. Communicating with people:
          1. Anywhere
          2. Native speakers
          3. Improve pronunciation
III. Make good new activities.
      A. Go sightseeing
      B. Go to the best restaurants
      C. Go shopping

IV. Money.
      A. To transport
      B Seeking a job

V. An incredible experience.


I. The artistic education should be more valuable.

II. Reduced artistic education at schools.
     A. Subjects.
          1. Optional
          2. Less hours
     B. Arts higher secondary-education: deleted.

III. How are recognised the higher artistic education?

IV. Importance of artistic education in Spain.
      A. Compare/contrast with other countries
           1. At schools.
           2. Orchestras

V. Artistic education should be increased in Spain, On the contrary, art culture will be lost.

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


The artistic education in Spain has decreased in the last years. Conservatories are closed, orchestras break ,teachers suffer dimissals every day.It is certain that government have had to cut, but it has cut too many in education, but especially in artistic teachings. The artistic education in Spain should be more valuable.

 First of all artistic education at schools have been reduced considerably. Some subjects, such as music, they are now being taken for many less hours than others. Whereas some subjets such as maths or language are coursed for four or five hours in a week, music is coursed for one or two hours as an optional subject and besides, during some schools years music is not studied. In addition, the arts higher secondary-education which was studied by 8000 teenagers the last year, it has been deleted. Consequently, a lot of teenagers won' able to study what they want to.

 Moreover, the higher artistic teachings aren't considered as an university degree. As an example, whereas any degree is awarded from four to six years, musical studies are begun at the age of eight years and are finished at 22. Finally, after fourteen years studing music, you don't receive an university diploma.

 Whereas in Spain the artistic education isn't considered too important, in other countries have a lot of importance. For instance, in countries such as Germany or France, playing an instrument at schools is compulsory. However, in Spain music subjet is hardly taken and many people don't show interest in such studies. In other countries there are many orchestras and they are some of the more well-paid jobs, some of them are even very famous around the world, such as Philarmonic Berlin's Orhestra. In Spain every time there are less professional orchestras , on account of the low amount of money destinated to these teachings and musicians have worse salaries.

To sum up, artistic education should be increased in Spain. On the contrary, less people will study these subjets and less artists will have, losing the art culture.

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015


Four years ago, I was living in London for a year. I didn't want to go to other place to living. In fact, it was a punishment owing not to have passed the course. At the beginning, all was different to me ad I missed my famiy, friends and my home. However, when I got used to living there, I began having an incredible time. Travelling abroad is a valuable learning experience.

 First of all, you learn to speak a new language perfectly. Every day you need to communicae with eople anywhere: If you go to a restaurant, you'll have to ask the waitress for the food; at school or college, you will have to talk to make friends; even in your home, you will speak to people for anything else. Moreover, you can become a perfect pronunciation, due t communicating with native speakers. As an example, when I arrived in London, I wasn't able to speak much in English. But, in a month my speech improved a lot! There isn't better way to learn a language than living in a place where is talked.

 From other view, you can make many good new activities to meet the costums and the culture of the place. You could go sighteeing, not only where you are living, also in the surroundings. In order to know the gastronomy, you can go out to lunch to the best restaurants of the city. You can also go shopping, especially to the shops which aren't found in your country. Definitively, a wild range of activities which you can learn many things.

 Moreover, it is necessary having above money when you go out. Living abroad is usually more epenive than living in your own country. Apart from accomodation and food, if you are living in a large city, distances are very large and you will need to pay transport (metres, buses, trains) to move around the city. As advice, if you want to cover some expenses, you can seek a job, since is easier than in Spain to get it. In this way you will be able to pay a considerable part of the voyage.

 All in all, travelling to other countries is an inredible experience where you will be able to learn many new things.